Generation z as consumers: their preferences and market influence

Generation z, born between 1997 and 2012, is rapidly emerging as a significant consumer force. With their unique preferences and digital-first mindset, they are reshaping the market landscape. Understanding gen z’s behavior, preferences, and influence is crucial for businesses aiming to stay relevant in an ever-evolving marketplace. While much has been said about their tech-savviness and social media prowess, there are several deeper aspects of their consumer behavior that are less commonly discussed but equally important.

Digital natives with high expectations

Generation z has grown up in a world where digital technology is ubiquitous. They are true digital natives, having never known a world without the internet, smartphones, and social media. This upbringing has shaped their expectations for seamless, fast, and personalized online experiences. According to a report by ibm, 74% of gen z spends their free time online, and 75% of them prefer to shop online rather than in physical stores.

Values-driven consumption

Beyond their digital prowess, gen z is distinguished by its strong sense of social and environmental responsibility. They are more likely to support brands that align with their values. According to a study by nielsen, 73% of gen z consumers are willing to pay more for products and services that come from sustainable brands. This generation values transparency, ethical practices, and corporate social responsibility, making it imperative for brands to demonstrate their commitment to these principles.

Preference for authenticity and individuality

Authenticity is a key driver for gen z. They favor brands that are genuine and transparent in their communication. A report by sprout social found that 63% of gen z wants to see real people in advertising, not just celebrities or influencers. They also value individuality and self-expression, seeking products and brands that allow them to express their unique identities. This trend is evident in the fashion and beauty industries, where personalized and customizable products are gaining traction.

The power of social media

While it’s well-known that gen z is active on social media, the extent of its influence on their purchasing decisions is profound. Platforms like instagram, tiktok, and snapchat are not just social networks but also powerful shopping platforms. According to globalwebindex, 68% of gen zers use social media to read reviews, discover new products, and engage with brands. The viral nature of these platforms means that trends can explode overnight, and brands need to be agile to keep up.

Financial savviness and pragmatism

Contrary to the stereotype of young people being frivolous spenders, gen z exhibits a surprising level of financial prudence. Growing up during the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis has made them more cautious and value-conscious. A survey by the center for generational kinetics found that 77% of gen z prefers a financially stable career over one that is personally fulfilling, and 60% have already started saving for their future. This pragmatic approach extends to their shopping habits, where they seek value for money and are adept at finding deals and discounts.

Mobile-first approach

Gen z’s mobile-first mentality cannot be overstated. They rely heavily on their smartphones for everything from social interaction to shopping and entertainment. According to adobe, 81% of gen z uses their mobile devices for shopping online. This makes mobile optimization critical for any brand targeting this demographic. Slow-loading websites or poorly designed mobile interfaces can result in lost sales and diminished brand loyalty.

Influence on older generations

Interestingly, gen z’s preferences and behaviors are influencing older generations, including millennials and gen x. Their emphasis on sustainability, authenticity, and digital engagement is trickling up, affecting broader market trends. For instance, the increasing demand for eco-friendly products and the rise of direct-to-consumer brands can be attributed in part to gen z’s influence.


Generation z is a powerful consumer group with distinct preferences and significant market influence. Their digital nativeness, value-driven consumption, demand for authenticity, and financial pragmatism set them apart from previous generations. For businesses, understanding and catering to these unique traits is crucial for success in the modern market landscape. As gen z continues to grow in purchasing power, their influence will only become more pronounced, reshaping industries and setting new standards for consumer engagement.