When is the Next Federal Reserve Meeting

when is the next federal reserve meeting

The Federal Reserve, also known as the Fed, plays a pivotal role in the U.S. economy. As the country’s central banking system, it is responsible for implementing monetary policy, supervising and regulating banks, maintaining financial stability, and providing financial services to depository institutions and the federal government.

One of the ways the Fed executes its monetary policy duties is through regular meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). At these meetings, the FOMC discusses the state of the economy and decides on changes to monetary policy, including whether to raise, lower, or maintain the federal funds rate, which impacts interest rates across the board, from consumer loans to mortgages.

Federal Open Market Committee Meetings

The FOMC typically meets eight times a year, approximately once every six weeks. Each meeting lasts for two days, and it’s during these sessions that the committee discusses and decides on monetary policy. The schedule for these meetings is decided well in advance and is publicly available on the Federal Reserve’s official website.

Given the importance of these meetings, they are closely watched by economists, financial analysts, investors, and the general public. The decisions made during these meetings can significantly impact the U.S. economy, affecting everything from inflation rates to the cost of borrowing.

Finding the Next Federal Reserve Meeting

To find out when the next FOMC meeting is, you can visit the Federal Reserve’s official website (www.federalreserve.gov). There, you will find a “Calendar of FOMC Meetings” under the “Monetary Policy” section. This calendar provides the dates of all FOMC meetings for the current year.

In addition to the meeting dates, the calendar also includes the dates and times for the release of the FOMC statement, which summarizes the Committee’s economic outlook and the policy decision. Moreover, it indicates when the Chair’s press conference will take place. Press conferences are held four times a year — generally in March, June, September, and December — and provide further insights into the Committee’s decisions.


Understanding the Federal Reserve’s actions is crucial for anyone involved in financial planning or investment, as their decisions can greatly impact the economic landscape. While the exact details of what happens in FOMC meetings are not immediately disclosed, the subsequent statements and press conferences offer valuable insights into the Committee’s views on economic conditions and monetary policy. Thus, knowing when the next Federal Reserve meeting is and staying updated on the outcomes can be instrumental in making informed financial decisions.